Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The First Step!

Finally finding the time to sit down and start 23 Things. 
My big juggle of life:  with part-time work, looking after a very active four year old and wanting to learn, learn, learn! How to do that? How to keep up with the rapidly expanding technologies that are becoming vital in the "Library World". It can all be very bewildering after having an employment gap of a few years. I feel like I am playing catch up a lot of the time. Do others of my age bracket feel the same? Am I am not alone? 

Well, doing this course is a good first step.  And the first task for 23 Things, to decide on my learning goals, was a good motivator. Also gave me the opportunity to look at all the other goals I want to achieve this year in my life. 

Habits to make in my quest for achieving my goals:  improving my haphazard organisational skills for one. Not shy away from opportunities to learn, and most importantly -  to get more adept juggling of home and work life! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    Congrats on creating your blog.
    Perhaps you might be able to change the bright green links as they are impossible to see against the green backdrop :)

    I have added your blog to the UQL Blog. Enjoy
